Hi! I'm Rohit

And I believe in all things Binary

I am a Software Engineer at Academia.edu
|| I love solving hard problems with people
|| I am fast with tech and I love talking about it
|| I am Currently working on Annie Mei!

I am a Software Engineer at Academia.edu
I love solving hard problems with people
I am fast with tech and I love talking about it
I am currently Currently working on Annie Mei !

Annie Mei

Annie Mei      

I am currently working on Annie Mei! A discord bot that fetches anime and manga data from the Anilist API and sends it to your discord server. Annie Mei can be used to share your favourite anime and manga with your friends!
Rust || GraphQL || PostgreSQL || Redis


A database built in Rust without using any "unsafe" blocks of code or external crates! RustyBase is an ongoing project but in its current form has the basic layout of a database, along with a fully functioning Lexer and Parser and uses TPCH data for benchmarks


Using a 3-pronged approach to the problem of Stock-Market Forecasting, Bean-Stock gives the user all the information they need to make an informed decision on where to invest next by using ML, NLP and our secret-sauce Health Analysis
Python || Flask || Bootstrap || PANDAS || Sci-Kit
Network for the Open Web

Club N.O.W.      

Network for the Open Web was founded to bring like-minded tech enthusiasts together. Our goal is to build Open Source projects, help other passionate developers and create a better and fun environment for everyone - together
Founder || Club Captain || Workshop Speaker

Song Match    

An game built as an Alexa skill. Song match asks the users for their favourite artist and some questions and then matches you to a popular song by the artist. Song match uses the Alexa Skills Kit along with MongoDB as the datastore
Python || ASK || MongoDB
ACM Connect

ACM Connect  

An Android application aimed at decluttering the workspace, ACM Connect was aimed at providing the members of ACM MPSTME with all the tools they will ever need in one package with features like Messaging, User profiles and schedules
Java || Android Studio || Firebase


Python Rails Rust C/C++ Go JavaScript TypeScript Android MongoDB SQL Flask .NET Redis Tailwind CSS Alexa Skills Netlify Git

Around the Web

Around the Web